Membership Information

You have selected the Back to Sleep Course $99 membership level.

Thank you for your interest in the Back to Sleep program, a go at your own pace sleep improvement course. Whether you are having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or not getting enough sleep, this course is designed to help you with simple lifestyle changes to get back to sleep quickly! With your subscription you will get education on what goes into healthy sleep including: a detailed break down of sleep hygiene, how to create a healthy bedtime routine, and important modifiable sleep factors called inputs - all of which lead to restful sleep. The course will include homework and videos along the way to walk you through some of the nuanced material. Words from those who have taken the course... "Thank you Joan for the expert guidance and advice. I tossed and turned last night, got up and came in to the living room, turned on the fire and read for 15 minutes. Went back to bed and slept soundly I have learned so much." J.P. Michigan "I read a boring college magazine last night instead of looking at my phone and it was amazing how fast I fell asleep....Night 3 of reading in bed instead if having my phone. Has worked all 3 nights. Start to yawn and doze off in 20 minutes or so. Thank you for reminding me of this simple hygiene!" H.L Seattle

The price for membership is $99.00 now.

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